Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Odyssey (1, 5-9)

On page 11, I like the line "For they perished by their own madness..."

I'm really confused about who the people (plus the author has not yet announced the name of the man he is speaking of) and then there is more about other men and the gods and why they are angry, and since I have no background information from the book, nor of greek mythology, I am confused.

How is Poisedon affecting Odysseus? I thought Calypso was holding him captive. And why does Athena want to save Odysseus? And why does she need permission from Zeus?

On page 15, the line "I am the son of a clever father" is probably something that was commonly said during that time, but it almost seems like Athena is mocking Telemachus, or something. It was just the way she decided to use "clever."

When Athena mentions that it's terrible that Telemachus lived his childhood without his father Odysseus, it reminded me of how Marie Antoinette and her husband were beheaded, as I had just seen the movie, Marie Antoinette. And I thought about how their children had to grow up because people thought killing their parents would be the best solution. Did the people think about how Marie Antoinette and her husband were more than rulers, they were parents, daughters/sons, siblings, friends, etc? I found it similar to how Calypso kept Odysseus prisoner. Did she think about how he was a father and a husband? And how many lives she would affect just because of her greediness?

You can buy people in Greece? (Assuming they're in Greece) Wait, yes, you can.

When Calypso retorts with the fact that the male gods have mortal affairs uninterrupted, but when female gods had mortal affairs, they are interrupted, I thought perhaps Homer was possibly making a statement about sexism. Possibly that women have less oppurtunities. Or that women should have less oppurtunities.

I'm confused about the setting. As to where Odysseus's son and wife are, and where the Phaeacians are.

Why didn't Odysseus tell Alcinous of where he was going in the first place?

Did Odysseus realize that the second landing was the place of Cyclopes? Especially since he and the cyclopes had some issues, due to a previous encounter?

I just thought how he yelled "Nobody's killing me" ws so blatant and odd.

1 comment:

SG said...

I agree that there are some odd interactions, like people feel they have to be sneaky when it just seems like if they were honest it would be fine.
I'm not sure of the explanation. Maybe in some cases, a certain protocol must be followed interms of gender, class, etc.

I think it's easy to have these little mental stutters when reading mythology.
