Thursday, January 3, 2008

Odyssey (10)

Why did Aiolis feel it was necessary/normal to marry his children together? Does he realize he is creating a family of pure incest?

I'm reading what Odysseus is saying as if the author had written it, and I'm expecting it to be well written and articulate with great descriptions, but I realize that it's just Odysseus, and when a person is telling a story, usually it's not the same as if an author had written the story himself.

Why was Laistrygonian Antiphates's daughter not a giant like him and his wife? And why did Odysseus and his men instantly hate his wife? Just because she was super tall?

I think Odysseus slightly deserved to have boulders thrown at him, because of the way he acted, prejudiced against them and completely unfriendly. He could have possibly saved himself the deaths that were of the dinner of the Laistrygonians if they hadn't acted that way.

How did Odysseus know it was Hermes disguised as the young boy? I thought he was disguised for a reason.

Why Odysseus renouned as "special" or something, as said by Circe? Because of what he did with the giants and cyclopes?
If she was going to act like that, then why didn't Odysseus just tell her who he was in the first place to save him the trouble?

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